
Solve Different Industry Problems With Elissar Global Products


Optimal Control Problems Across Industries. Problems that can be solved using optimal control are in nearly every industry. Our solutions directly impact productivity, saving time, money, and resources in a variety of ways. Elissar Global products first introduced in the aerospace industry have also been used to solve problems in other fields.



Elissar Global products have been widely used in the aerospace industry to design and fly cost-saving operational maneuvers. Our products have also been used to discover one-of-a-kind practical solutions, the most famous of this being the discovery and flight implementation of the “zero-propellant maneuver” onboard the International Space Station.

Other applied solutions include the design of launch vehicle trajectories, orbital maneuvers, re-entry guidance algorithms, halo-orbit designs, formation-keeping strategies for both Keplerian and non-Keplerian motion, solar sailing, interplanetary missions, aerobraking, aerocapture, attitude stabilization, and slewing.


Our products can generate and execute rapid precision motion of multiple robotic manipulators working cooperatively in an obstacle-cluttered environment. We have developed a key technology for obstacle avoidance of multi-link systems that allows the robotic arms to autonomously move in time-varying configuration spaces, thereby exploiting cooperation in the integrated system space to achieve motions not possible by other techniques.

A customer-specific system can be designed, tested, and delivered.


Unmanned Systems

Our products have designed guidance algorithms for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) that exploit hydrodynamics in a distinctive manner to generate counter-intuitive motions to facilitate specific mission requirements. Application of our products to Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) range from the classic parallel parking maneuver to sector-keeping of a team of UGVs.

For Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs), our products have been used to design high-endurance loitering trajectories that are neither circles nor “figure eights.” Our products are capable of meeting all mission requirements while producing the best solution that maximizes mission effectiveness-to-cost ratio.


Our real-time-optimal control (RTOC) technology has the capability to significantly reduce the energy consumption of data centers while meeting all performance specifications for processing customer applications.

We have partnered with leading Silicon Valley businesses to develop this technology.


Research Application

Style: "70's look"

Fast Results = Published Research

Hundreds of problems have been solved by our products around the world including real-flights results. The application of DIDO software-enabled zero-propellant maneuvering of the International Space Station (ISS) and time-optimal maneuvering of the TRACE satellite. Both successful flight tests were also performed in record time. DIDO can help researchers solve problems quickly. Leverage the power of DIDO to prove theorems and validate results fast!

Our optimal control software has revitalized research conducted in the world of autonomous path planning and intelligent robotics. Some recent breakthroughs in this field can be found in:

Elissar Global products have been most extensively utilized in space applications. The general-purpose feature of our software products has made it possible to solve virtually every optimal control problem that can be mathematically formulated. Some examples of such space-related problems solved by the research community over the past decade are listed below:

Attitude Maneuvering

  • Zero-Prop Maneuver Space Station Demonstration, Proceedings of AIAA-Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 2007.
  • Pseudospectral Feedback Control for Three-Axis Magnetic Attitude Stabilization, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 30 (4), pp.1107-1115, 2007.
  • Time-Optimal Nonlinear Feedback Control for the NPSAT1 Spacecraft, Proceedings of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp. 843-850, 2005.

Spacecraft Entry Guidance

  • Optimal Trajectory Reconfiguration and Retargeting for Reusable Launch Vehicles, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 30 (6), 1794-1802, 2007.
  • A Pseudospectral Feedback Method for Real-Time Optimal Guidance of Reentry Vehicles, Proceedings of American Control Conference, pp.3861-3867, 2007.
  • Optimal Guidance Command Generation and Tracking for Reusable Launch Vehicle Reentry, Proceedings of AIAA-Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, Paper # AIAA-2006-6691, 2006.
  • Rapid Verification Method for the Trajectory Optimization of Reentry Vehicles, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 26 (3), pp.505-508, 2003.

Spacecraft Formation Design and Control

  • Design and Control of Libration Point Spacecraft Formations, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 30 (4), pp.899-909, 2007.
  • Designing Optimal Spacecraft Formations, Proceedings of AIAA/AAS – Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Paper # AIAA-2002-4635, 2002.

Trajectory Optimization

  • Low-Thrust, High-Accuracy Trajectory Optimization, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 30 (4), pp.921-933, 2007.
  • Direct Trajectory Optimization by a Chebyshev Pseudospectral Method, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 25 (1), pp.160-166, 2002.
  • Space Trajectory Optimization and L1-Optimal Control Problems, Modern Astrodynamics, pp. 155-188, 2006.
  • A Perspective on Methods for Trajectory Optimization, Proceedings of AIAA/AAS- Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Paper # AIAA-2002-4727, 2002.
  • Optimal Trajectories for Soft Landing on Asteroids, AE8900 MS Special Problems Report, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006.
  • Optimization of Mission Design for Constrained Libration Point Space Mission, Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 2005.

Elissar Global products have been used in many air-system applications. Below is a sample list of the most recent works:

  • Collision-Free Multi-UAV Optimal Path Planning and Cooperative Control for Tactical Applications, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, Paper # AIAA-2008-7134, 2008.
  • Optimal Path Planning and Control of Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Urban Environments, Proceedings of AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America, 2007.
  • Optimal Trajectory of a Glider in Ground Effect and Wind Shear, Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Paper # AIAA-2005-6474, 2005.
  • Minimum Fuel Circling for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Proceedings of JSASS-KSAS Joint International Symposium on Aerospace Engineering, vol. 43, Nagoya, Japan, 2005.
  • Issues on UGV Optimal Motion Planning and Obstacle Avoidance, AIAA Infotech@Aerospace Conference and Exhibit and AIAA Unmanned…Unlimited Conference and Exhibit, 2009.
  • An Info-Centric Trajectory Planner for Unmanned Ground Vehicles, International Conference on the Dynamics of Information Systems, 2009.
  • Autonomous Trajectory Planning Using Real-Time Information Updates
  • AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit, Paper # AIAA-2008-6305, 2008
  • Pseudospectral Motion Planning Techniques for Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance, 46th IEEE Conference or Decision and Control, 2007.
  • Pseudospectral Methods for Optimal Motion Planning of Differentially Flat Systems, EEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 49 (8), 1410 -1413, 2004.
  • Optimal control of an Undersea Glider in a Symmetric Pull-Up, Virginia Center for Autonomous Systems Report No. 2008-03, 2008.